Grant Good Wilson

In before during & after audio pictures & videos records I can and will only try to get what I deserve to get 24 hours a day & night for spending 24 hours a day & night of my times efforts energies meanings and any money I can deserve to promote getting executorily solid goaled copper valuably promissorily coinably noteably connoteably denoteably over compensatorilly for over compensatable for trying to only get only what I promissorily solid goaled copper valuably deserve to get limiting to the true useable limit proud lovable likable justice serving inspiring meriting automatically grounds keeping house keeping transports maintaining and improving mechanical plant & equipment maintaining & improving electrical plant & equipment maintaining & improving electronics plant and equipment maintaining & improving breathing in & out as deeply as I possibly can as many times as I possibly can and then breathing in as deeply as I possibly can then holding the breath as long as I possibly can as many times as I possibly can then breathing in as deeply as I possibly can then holding the breath 3 to 9 seconds as many times as I possibly can then repeating those 3 ways of breathing as many times as I possibly can & streaching walking running walking standing around lifting weights sitting around lifting weights laying around lifting weights sitting around lifting weights standing around lifting weights further walking running walking further breathing those 3 ways & streaching & going to the bathroom showering putting on clean cloths eating 12 kinds of vegetables & scrambled egg whites & drinking distilled water & taking vitamins & I can find to do & will find to do & will do with 24 hours a day & night of my times efforts energies meanings & promotions 24 hours a day & night worth of work until I need to go to the bathroom & take a shower & put on clean cloths & get something to eat then pick up where I left off doing with 24 hours a day & night of my times efforts energies meanings & money & promotings 24 hours a day & night worth of work for the United States of America's Supreme Court hearing honorarily honorable justices & the United States of America's Congresses committee court hearing honorarily honorable justices & the United States of America's President's executive court hearing honorarily honorable justices & myselfs honorarily honorable justices & because of it everybodys honorarily honorable justices while I’m living as a model health & human services model citizen & health & human welfare model citizen & full ride scholarship model citizen because of my breathing those 3 ways & streaching walking running walking standing around lifting weights sitting around lifting weights laying around lifting weights sitting around lifting weights standing around lifting weights further walking running walking streaching further breathing those 3 ways & going to the bathroom showering putting on clean cloths & eating 12 kinds of vegetables by way of eating 3 to 4 bowls a day of 1 can of Del Monte 7 kinds of mixed vegetables mixed with 1 can of Campbells 7 kinds of mixed vegetables condensed soup mixed with 1 can of Progresso 7 kinds of mixed vegetables soup plus 1 can of black eyed peas & 1 can of Progresso lentil soup & 1 can of french cut green beans & 1 can of sliced cooked carrots all mixed together in 1 container with 3 spoons full of Better than Bullion chicken bullion plus separately 1 can a day of Del Monte canned cooked spinach & 1 can a day of Del Monte canned cooked stewed tomatoes & 15 to 30 scrambled egg whites 2 to 3 times a day & once per meal a Kroger or Walmart’s gallon of distilled water & taking a shower at least every 6th hour on the hour & sometimes every 4th hour on the hour 4 to 5 to 6 times a day & putting on freshly washed clean cloths everytime I get out of the shower or at least putting on clean under garments & socks & undershirt & doing laundry daily sometimes 2 to 3 to 4 times a day & sweeping & mopping the floors & sanitizing them with a small squirt of rubbing alcohol in at least the first bucket of water I use to mop the floors with & rinsing them at least once a day with just water & cleaning the bathroom at least once a day & cleaning up after my meals & sanitizing the counters & the dishes with the dish cloth I wash the counters with that I spray with peroxide & wash the dishes with & wipe down all the kitchen surfaces with thats been sprayed with peroxide & microwaved a few seconds regularly & driving my car to the car wash daily & getting it washed & the tires shinned & some wax on the car & mowing the lawn 2 to 3 times a week & shrub trimming & weed spraying once to twice a month & I’m modeling being a model full ride scholarship citizen by way of acronymically appropriating honorarily honorably honoring deserving commensurating vindicating appropriately weighted weighed meanings to checked out public libraries textbooks texts numbered lettered words and rented textbooks from University book stores texts numbered lettered words & bought textbooks from University book stores texts numbered lettered words that I read into my recorder then listen to myself rereading back to myself at least 5 times 5 varieties of ways & 5 times for each variety of way which is 35 times to be honorarily honorably honoring deserving commensurating vindicating way too good grades in my classes when I’m finished doing that with the roughly 50 textbooks that go into each bachelors, masters and doctorate degree program that I listen to the textbooks texts recordings for that I made for myself to listen to 5 times 5 varieties of ways & 5 times for each variety of way which is 1 to 2 days reading 12 to 16 hours per day per roughly 500 to 1000 page textbook that it takes me to read the textbooks into my recorder 1 time so I can then listen to myself rereading those roughly 50 textbooks recordings to myself 6 to 16 hours a day while I'm breathing those 3 ways and streaching walking running walking standing around lifting weights sitting around lifting weights laying around lifting weights further sitting around lifting weights standing around lifting weights and walking running walking streaching & breathing those 3 ways and grounds keeping house keeping transports maintaining & improving mechanical plant & equipment maintaining & improving electrical plant & equipment maintaining & improving & electronics plant & equipment maintaining & improving again 6 to 16 hours per day for between 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 years so I can then spend from between 4 & 1/2 years to 7 years of my time efforts and money going through the motions of going to school 8 classes per semester 2 semesters per year getting on the school record proving I did that to prove I can and will honorarily honorably be honoring deserving commensurating vindicating school records good grades for my degree’s of agreeabilities abilities to honorarily honorably be honoring and deserving commensurating vindicating dutifully honorarily honorably honoring  my character of services contents of character dutifull dischageabilities servicabilities for my deserved degrees of agreeabilities because of my having read then listened to the classes 50 textbooks that go into bachelors masters and doctorate degrees 10 to 15 to 20 to 25 to 35 times over the courses of 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 years doing my homework studies exercising & working & homework studying and homework studying exercising & working while listening to myself read my recordings to myself to garuntee I'm prepared to get on the courts records systems A honorarily honorable honoring deserving comensurating vindicating justices schools records recreationally for courts records systems A grades honorarily honorable honoring deserving comensurating vindicating justices deserving degrees or agreeabilities about equivalent dutifully honorarily honorably honoring character of serviceabilities dischargabilities of bachelors masters and doctorate degrees creditable credable precedential credentials that I can and will honorarily honorably honor plus I'm also being a model health & human services & health & human welfare services model citizen project because I'm honorarily honorably honoring deserving commensurating vindicating school tuition school housing school textbooks breathing those 3 ways streaching walking running walking standing around weight lifting sitting around weight lifting laying weight lifting sitting around weight lifting standing around weight lifting further walking running walking streaching & breathing those 3 ways & going to the bathroom showering & always putting on clean cloths & always eating vegetables and scrambled egg whites & drinking distilled water & always acronymically studying textbooks texts words logic truth that just gets easier to study truly logically everytime I do it in homework recordings study guides Apple Pages documents and MicroSoft Word documents & Solo Shot robot camera video recordings & Sony voice recorder recordings & Sony MP3 walkman recordings for before durings and afters study texts documents & recordings & pictures & eventually videos.